
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pro Mia pro ana

Research websites regarding pro Mia and pro Ana topics.
Were you aware that such sites existed?
Are the sites disturbing or comforting?
Are the sites promoting eating disorders or supporting those with eating disorders?
Use your knowledge of eating disorders gained from the article and class/homework to add to the discussion.


  1. I was never aware that such sites like these existed. I think that these sites are disturbing because it's helping people live with a non normal appearance and health. I believe that these sites are supporting those with eating disorders because it tells them how to stay "Skinny" in a "better and healthy" way. These sites are not diminishing the fact that bulimia and anorexia is a bad thing for one's health. I personally think its crazy that there is actually people that live this kind of lifestyle by binge and purging and also having the negative mentality that they look fat all the time.

    1. Griselda Padilla

      I agree with Emmanuel on how insane these sites are and how people actually go through these extreme measures for weight loss and end up getting terrible eating disorders that run their lives.

    2. I believe that these disorders can cause some problems in one's health . As griselda said these are extreme measures and it doesn't lead to anything positive. Your body doesn't benefit from this.

    3. These actions do not have any benefits to the body, but people only go to such extremes because they have a disorder. If someone suffers from these disorders no matter how many times you tell them they are skinny they will not believe it. They will always find an imperfection within their body.

    4. i agree with jackie, its a mental thing. first those suffering from these disorders need to change their way of thinking & the way they perceive themselves so they can properly take care of their bodies

    5. I agree with both Daisy and Jackie, but although its more of a mental thing, everyone has their own sturggles they have had to face. although the way these people with this disorder percieve themselves negatively, they most likely are in need of having someone care for them and need physicological and emotional help.

  2. Griselda Padilla

    Regarding the Pro ana and Pro mia websites, I never knew such things existed. I would think that they would be taken off immediately since they are sending out the wrong message. These sites are very disturbing in the fact that they are giving tips to people who want to be anorexic or bulimic. Having anorexia or bulimia is a BAD thing, it is a eating disorder, which makes you mentally and physically ill. These sites are supporting the eating disorders as if they are actually a good thing to have. People with these disorder are addicted to weight loss which can be very dangerous and in serious cases lead to death.

    1. I agree I feel these websites make it simpler and easy for people to get addicted to those behaviors. It is an enabling website that should be taken down

    2. I didn't know these websites existed, however it didn't surprise me that they did. These websites are very disturbing, however it's somewhat comforting that there are some attempts to remain healthy (taking multivitamins, etc.) Regardless, it should not be used. It seems they do not promote (although some websites advertise with pictures of this women) but they do support women suffering with bulimia and anorexia. The website provides tips and tricks on how to succeed with the disorder. The websites are worded to lead the sufferer to believe having the disorder is alright and fine as long as they follow the websites guidelines. All in all it's a terrible attempt to help people with bulimia or anorexia.

    3. Griselda Padilla

      I agree, I believe that these sites should be taken down immediately and if they want to help people with eating disorders they should have more helpful sites for trying to over come the disorder one step at a time

    4. I can agree with gabby because it's kind of a positive way to reach those people with these disorders by not taking certain things such as laxatives and abuse of other substances, But this can also be seen in a negative way.

    5. Well as disturbing or disgusting as it seems to us, just consider how disturbed the catholic or Christian church is by the fact that they teach us about contraceptives in high school. To the church, the real solution is abstinence and for every child to wait until marriage to have sex but frankly that's just not the reality we live in and teenagers are going to have sex so the most realistic approach is to at least teach them how to go about it safely, with condoms and such. So basically, even if we think we should soley focus on trying to cure all the anorexics and bulimics out there, the reality is they exist and some of them don't even seek help so a realistic approach for us is to at least teach and inform them about safer ways to do what they're doing.

    6. I have a different perspective of these websites. the information provided is helpful to the people that suffer from these eating disorders. they can provide them with some what of a "safe" way to do this, however, Bulimia and Anorexia are both eating disorders that overtime begin to become addicting. instaed of these websites being taken down, i believe they should leade or provide a way to help the people suffering from eating disorder to get better physically and mentally.

  3. ALL,
    DO NOT FORGET eating disorders are disorders. People don't want to suffer from bulimia or anorexia.

  4. I did not know these websites existed, because I've never wondered if these websites existed, but in a way I'm relieved they do.
    As crazy as they seem, these sites are providing information and educating people who suffer from these disorders to conduct themselves in ways that are most likely healthier than the methods they are currently using. They are informing anorexic/bulimic people about multivitamins, the dangers and proper methods of purging themselves and whatnot, not because (or at least hopefully not because) they support anorexia/bulimia, but because these disorders do exist and these people will do these things wether they put up a website about it or not and, personally, I think it's comforting knowing they have a resource and forum to educate themselves about the most proper way to go about it. As awful as that may sound. Because an uneducated person can cause more damage to themselves than somebody who at least knows what they're doing.

    1. I agree with you Milan, the girls who suffer from these disorders are not going to take it easy on themselves. They are going to not eat, workout excessively and do anything necessary to get the results they want. All though the ideal thing would be for a girl to seek out help if she comes to this point, not many girls will admit to this problem. With this website out there at least they can do things the "smart" way.

    2. I also agree with you Milan, I believe that the websites are supportive because they educate people on how things they should go about things. (not taking ipecac, taking multi-vitamins etc.)

    3. Fair point, but lets remind ourselves that although these websites can prevent a person from harming themselves unnecessarily in the pursuit of a slimmer figure, they also assist in preventing another key- and some might say rather more important- aspect: the seeking of medical attention for a physically and mentally destructive condition. Nearly everybody who has somehow managed to eek the smallest measure of comfort from the existence of these websites has ignored the fact that the injuries these tips are preventing are insignificant- nay, meaningless- when looked at against the underlying nature of the issue. The eating disorder itself is the dangerous thing here, not the ipecac. These websites diminish the issue's weight as dangerous and harmful by glamorizing its sufferers. It pains me to fall into the cliché of providing an illustratory analogy, but bear with me in imagining a terminal lung cancer patient saying, "Cancer really is great, but make sure to crack your car window a little bit when you smoke your cigarettes, because the smoke can irritate your eyes."
      My point is this: These websites are not smart. These websites are dangerous. They are supportive only to the idea that sufferers of anemia and bulimia don't have a problem, and don't need the help of a medical professional. As pithily as I can possibly reiterate myself, it is not important to ameliorate minor discomforts in support a major disorder.

  5. Until we saw the websites in class I had no idea such things existed Although reading those websites may be uncomfortable for a person without these disorders, people with anorexia or bulimia will find them incredibly helpful. There is nothing healthy about what these people are doing to their body's but they suffer from a disorder and cannot simply change their ways. Many factors can cause a person to become anorexic/bulimic like low self esteem. There is not much anyone can don to raise someone's self esteem, if a person feels fat, especially a teenage girl like most of the people who suffer from this are, they are going to go to drastic measures to fix that. These websites do not seem to be encouraging people to become anorexic/bulimic but they want to help those who are suffering from it to make the experience less painful.

  6. i was aware that these sites existed even before we saw them in class, however, I never actually read through any of them. To me they were disturbing but to those suffering from the disorder, these sites can be comforting. Most of the sites dont suggest to become anorexic or bulimic but do instruct on how to carry out that lifestyle, althought it may comfort those who are anorexic or bulimic already, i think the best way of prevention is to educate

    1. I can see where you are coming from, but these sites do promote the disorder BUT they promote HOW to handle it NOT to have it. That my friend is the clear separation that the founders of these sites might have been aiming for.

    2. Yeah, I understand what youre saying. Im still feel iffy on wether or not it is considered "promoting" but it all depends on how you look at it and wether or not you are the one suffering from the disorder

    3. I agree with you Daisy, I'm not sure on how I feel about whether they are promoting or supporting those with eating disorders. I feel that they are supporting because they give them tips about multivitamins and warnings on things they should never try (ipecac).

    4. i do think we need to educate people about pro ana and pro mia. I still think that even if we educate people, some will still do it because it makes them feel complete.

    5. Gabriel,
      We should educate people about PRO ana/mia? It's unclear whether you'd like to see a more prevalent understanding of anorexia/bulimia tips, or education about the dangers associated with these disorders. A more clear statement of your position would be helpful in understanding what sort of education you believe would be beneficial in these situations.

  7. I was not aware of these "pro mia/pro ana" sites until they were brought up in class. These sites are disturbing and in a way comforting. Disturbing to those who look in on these "tips" to continue the disorder, but comforting to those who suffer through it. These sites are not promoting people to be anorexic or bulimic, only endorsing them. These sites serve to educate those who suffer from anorexia and bulimia, and to show them the healthiest way to be unhealthy.
    However, if these sites were to serve the purpose of truly helping the sufferers to live better lives they would not give tips on how to cover up these dangerous habits (like they are), they would help them to come out.

    1. Well the complication here is that no matter what, a person's disorder will not simply vanish, I believe the sites understand it; thus, there are more tips and pointers on how to handle the disorder rather than "help them" as you say. I believe they theorized in lessening the pain of the wound that would not heal anytime soon.

  8. I was in no way aware that such sites existed. I honestly believe that these sites are quite disturbing for me and to the normal populace; however, this statement is merely my own point of view and should not be taken in a factual manner. Clearly, these people suffer from a disorder and do not choose to be in their state; therefore, I believe such sites as these are quite controversial BUT in a way assist the person suffering from the disorder. Of course, any sane person would argue that this in no way aids the person suffering feom the eating disorder, this is in fact true, but we have to take the point of view of those who suffer from the disorder and a proffessional one at that: One does not simply stop having eating disorders >Insert Lord of The Rings Meme Here< If one cannot quit their own suffering would it not be better to lessen the suffering? Are these sites actually being noble in a someone's twisted reality?

    1. The sites do seem to "lessen the suffering" by offering them a sense of community. Simultaneously, they are also watering the seed of the idea that what they are doing is acceptable.

  9. Also, it would be interesting to have the take of a person suffering this disorder on these sites. I am quite sure they would be thankful for these sites. Curiously, I do find these sites disturbing yet comforting, knowing that people are handling there disorder the "right way" brings some relaxation, not many will agree but these sites do provide some important usefulness.

    1. there are different types of people making these kinds of sites. some people see fat as an enemy on themselves and on others and want to destroy it. other people just think it is an amazing life style and just want to share their views with similar people

  10. Ahem, leedle leedle leedle, comment.

  11. Personally, I was not aware these websites exsisted. These websites were very distrubring to read about due to the fact that just thinking of the idea that the creater has the intention to help these people with these type of disorders be able to hurt themselves, it really does puzzle me. the article of pro- ana can be viewed both ways as help or to promote it or help to comfort those who suffer from this disease. pro- Ana was something i was aware of to a certain extent. Pro- Mia was the one that got me as a shock. I couldn't believe how especific the website was on how to do certain things and the right thing to do it. I strongly want to believe these websites were put to help people that suffer from this eating disorder to be able to cope with them, but then the best thing to do is for theses people suffering from this disorder to provide them with professional help so they can recover from this.

  12. I was not aware that these websites existed. These sites are disturbing to most people however they can be comforting to people who have those types of disorders. In my opinion I don't necessarily believe these websites are promoting eating disorders but they are supporting those with it because they can provide comfort for people. People with this disorder have somewhere to turn and aren't going through it alone. After looking though a few websites I realized that the tips listed on them were to help people with the effects of hunger. A few websites also warned against using or trying certain things because they're considered extremely dangerous. Anorexia and Bulimia are very serious and usually occur because of a person's low self-esteem. Low self-esteem can cause someone to hate their body image and make them develop these eating disorders.

  13. I knew websites that promoted websites were around (like weight watchers), I did not know it was so extreme. some of the websites were very disturbing promoting pro Mia and pro Ana with pride and some were very hesitant " hey if you a true ana then stay way from these foods...". some people were. promoting pro ana and pro mia because they think it is an amazing thing and want to share it with others ( ) there could be many reasons why people are pro mia or pro ana... parents did it so to them its the norm or they could have low self esteem and see them selves as sloths.

  14. Just like everyone else, I too was unaware that these type of sites existed. To me they are neither comforting or disturbing, I mean yeah it is odd that there are sites like these teaching girls how "to be" anorexic or bulimic but it is also a good thing that they are showing them the "right" way to do it (just like sex- ed. right?). I do not believe the sites are promoting eating disorders, but more of a "healthy" support.

  15. The internet is the most comprehensive repository of knowledge ever created. That being said, while I wasn't directly aware of the existence of websites specifically glamorizing and enabling those with eating disorders, I wasn't shocked to find them. I wouldn't call what I felt upon browsing these websites 'comfort', in even the most remote sense of the word. Reading these websites has left me with a feeling I have become increasingly accustomed to whilst studying psychology. I've begun to develop the sense that issues that make their homes within us, like these eating disorders, are so much more difficult to understand and combat than environmental ones. These websites leave me with a profound sense of helplessness, and yes, do deeply disturb me. There are some who might draw solace in the fact that there are websites dedicated to making eating disorders more livable for those unlucky enough to be afflicted with them. Countless positive and distinctly 'pro-mia/ana' analogies have been made to things like hospice and sex education, but I can't help but see these websites as anything other than dangerous enablers of a destructive disorder.

  16. Is there a right way to cut yourself?

    1. Down the river, not across the street.

    2. Rachel, cutting only gives the internal pain a temporary physical outlet. It does nothing to solve the struggle.
